全港首個由聾人服務NGO機構「龍耳」與獲獎知名花藝品牌One Flower創辦人戴久媛共同策劃的年度最具意義共融藝術慈善畫展隆重登場。
1. **畫作藝術導賞** - 展出的藝術畫作由聾健藝術家共同創作,並特別錄制聾人畫作的分享片段。
2. **畫作慈善拍賣** - 每幅畫作背後都有一個特別的故事,畫作將進行慈善拍賣。
3. **療癒週活動** - 邀請知名導師設計豐富多彩的療癒工作坊,包括手語共融、藝術押花創作、指紋性格分析、和諧粉彩畫、藝術心意卡、易經塔羅等,為聾健人士創造更多相互交流與理解的機會。
Hong Kong's first charity art exhibition co-hosted by the deaf service NGO "Silence" and award-winning floral brand One Flower founder Elaine Tai is now officially launched.
Event Objectives:
This charity art exhibition and Healing Week aim to raise public awareness about the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, promote social inclusion, showcase diverse artistic creativity, and highlight the importance of mental and physical health.
Through the funds raised, we hope to promote an inclusive art training program benefiting disadvantaged groups in society. Deaf, hard-of-hearing individuals and their caregivers will participate in professional and systematic floral art courses, enhancing their productivity, creating more art-related jobs, and contributing warmth and hope to society. The beneficiaries include deaf, hard-of-hearing individuals, and their caregivers, nearly a million people.
Event Overview:
1. **Art Piece** - The exhibited artworks are co-created by both deaf and hearing artists, with special video shares from deaf artists about their art pieces.
2. **Art Auction** - Each artwork has a unique story behind it and will be up for a charity auction.
3. **Healing Week Activities** - Renowned instructors include sign language inclusion, pressed flower art creation, fingerprint personality analysis, healing drawing, art greeting card making, tarot reading, etc., creating more opportunities for interaction and understanding between the deaf and hearing communities.
This event is not just an art festival but an opportunity to promote social inclusion and support disadvantaged groups. We look forward to your participation and support.
====================活動感謝文 Appreciation Letter =================

- 勞工及福利局康復諮詢委員會主席 馮伯欣先生 BBS、
- 勞工及福利局助理康復專員 陳珊珊女士、
- 平等機會委員會主席 林美秀女士 SBS、
- 香港公益金 入會、預算及分配委員會副主席 曾潔雯教授 JP、
- 香港公益金 撥款部主任 楊萬展先生、
- 深水埗區福利辦事處助理福利專員 周美儀女士、
- 深水埗區福利辦事處社會工作主任 張金旗先生、
- 僱員再培訓局署任副經理 陳冠華先生
- 深水埗區區議員胡詩韻議員擔任開幕嘉賓,以提升社會對聽障族群的關懷與支持。

- 合辦方及冠名贊助:
- ONE FLOWER- 戴女士 One Flower Macau & HK
- 愛心綻放贊助:
- 虎虎生威花花虎媽同學會
- Bliss & Bless International Ltd. Bliss & Bless
- 活髮社-聽障社企
- Jervois Solutions Limited
- Pinkology LTD @PINKOLOGY
- 小峰食品有限公司
- 幸運探索研究所有限公司
- 戴久媛女士
- 蔡毅虹女士
- 林子揚先生
- 馮妙衡女士
- 方芷盈小姐 (方包)

- 和諧粉彩Ricky Choi
- 手語藝術押花裝飾畫 Elaine Tai & Stephanie Ma @oneflower.shop @silence_deaf
- 認識易經塔羅 Viann Kwok @iching_healing
- 手語藝術押花裝飾畫 Elaine Tai & Stephanie Ma
- 手語扭氣球 Regen Choi
- 指紋性格分析 Paul Lin & Alice Tsang @goldenprofiling
- 藝術心意卡 Iris Choi @ngai_choi_
- 禮品贊助 Sun V Market Limited
- 活動策劃 WOW & G.O.T Workshop
- 拍攝服務 Alex Leung